Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Response to "A Human Problem"

In response to Ich Bein Berliner's "A Human Problem"

I don't think Ann Coulter was just trying to say and use what the democrats' ideas as "division and miscommunications", but rather in regards to the growing outcry of many American liberals that the War in Iraq is a failure and we should just withdrawal. I apologize that the world has generalizations that a lot of people don't like it, but it's hard to not generalize liberals (among other variations of people) by saying, "Liberals said....", because there are many people in this world and it would be hard to single them all out when they share similar views.

Back to the point that Ann Coulter was trying to make in her article “From the halls of Malibu to the shores of Kennedy”. Like I mentioned “many” liberals in the nation do nothing but bash and bang on the Administration for the war in Iraq, and it is true that more democrats voted for the war, then against it. So why? Why are people after Sept. 11th going to agree to the war, then turn around and blame it on the U.S. President for the invasion after they had their chance to go against it? Also, do not lie to yourself, weren’t you pretty happy after seeing what they did that we were going to go try and destroy Al-Qaeda?

The war is not just “…people killing people over pieces of the ground…”; it is what the vast majority of the people at the time wanted. We wanted justice and a world without terrorism, and by us striving to make it a reality, we are also striving to make the lives of other people around the world lives without having to “…fear their governments,” as you say. So I think that to say that the war we are currently in is nothing more than a bunch of people clubbing each other is just as much disrespect to the military, as well as the people that many have forgotten that died painful deaths from the terrorists many liberals claim are beating us today.

The other claim made is that the Bush Administration had practically overlooked other terrorist nations and jumped into Iraq. This is factually inaccurate because there have been troops in Syria and Iran and for a few years after the attack, they were providing intelligence to the U.S. about Al-Qaeda. The United States does have a large military but when dictators like Suddam Hussein run countries and contribute to terrorism we need to go after them, especially if terrorism is what we are fighting. Like Ann Coulter said, we did catch Suddam contrary to what democrats said. This is just stating the obvious, not dividing people, but summing up the ones that divide the country and the military.

If anything is to be argued about, and if a positive outlook was your topic, I think you could have turned it around to something along the lines of “We have made a lot of progress in the Iraq War, Mark Bowden predicted a casualty rate of 60,000 to 100,000 of U.S. troops in Iraq, and we have less then 5% of that rate as of today, and that we have not turned our backs on the Kurds like predicted.” I think there is something more positive that can be pulled out of Ann’s “…aggressive style argument.”

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Are we ready to reduce troop levels in Iraq to 100,000 by 2009?